





1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“……for you.”的含义。



1、Teacher and children say “Hello!” “Good morning!”each other.

2、Teacher and children sing《Nice to see you》together.

T and C read the rhyme《Horse》.


1、T and C watch TV of Birthday party.“Where is it?”“Yes,it’s dog’s house.”T come

in the house, “Oh,This is a TV.Let’s watch TV,OK?”

2、T and one child show together.

T: “Hello,I’m is dog’s birthday,I’ll go to this party.”

T: “Happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.”

3、C learn “cake” “gift” “card”.

(1)T shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,C say with T.“What’s


(2)C reads alone. “What’s this?” “Yes, here you are.”

(3) T shows pictures,C practice together.

(4)Game, “Who is the first?”

4、T shows a picture and reads “A cake for you.” C say with T.

四、Game “Birthday party”

1、T show a lot of pictures, “Let’s go to party.Who wants to try?”

2、C say with T, One child take a picture.

3、One child and T knock at door practice sentences.

4、C say with T again.A part of C play the game.

1、T and C come in the house,say “ Happy birthday.”to dog.

2、T and C sing《Happy birthday》.


T and C leave the dog’s house.



活动(一) walking


1) 教幼儿会聆听和按照英语指令做动作,学说walking.

2) 引导幼儿根据音乐节奏的快慢正确做出相应的动作。


1) 教师便发出英语指令边做动作(walking),幼儿学说并做动作。T: today we will play a game “:Follow Me”. Now, listen to me carefully.

2) 教师按两种节奏边发指令边做动作,幼儿跟着学说并做动作:

walking walking walking walking walking walking

3) 教师边唱歌曲边做动作,幼儿欣赏。

4) 游戏:Let’s Stop. T: Today is the ra it’s birthday. Let’s sing song and go to the ra it’s home. If you hear “The old wolf is coming”, you must stop. Do you understand?


(每当幼儿唱完两小节时,教师边说:“The old wolf is coming!”幼儿立刻站立不动,唱“now let’ stop”. )

附歌曲: Walking

Walk-ing , Walk-ing , Walk-ing , Walk-ing , Now Let’ stop,

Now Let’ sto , Walk-ing , Walk-ing , Walk-ing ,

Walk-ing , Walk-ing , Walk-ing , ow Let’s to , ow Let’ sto .


一、打招呼greeting .


二、热身warm up

let’s sing a song about one,two,buckle my shoe. are you ready?(yes)one,two,buckle my shoe,three,four ,open the door…ok,very good.

三、情景表演 act it out

1、我饿了i’m hungry.

教师拿出小狗手偶和幼儿打招呼,再唱i’m hungry ,最后引出香肠。look,this is dog.hello,dog.listen,growl,growl,growl.i’m hungry.(sing)i’m hungry,growl,growl,growl…i want to eat.” wow,a sausage.

2、五根小香肠 five little sausages

教师出示实物或模型香肠,平底锅,盘子及相应卡片,this is a pan.this is a plate.and there are some sausages.(教师边数边把香肠放到平底锅里)one sausage,two sausages,three sausages,four sausages,five sausages.now,let’s cook the sauages.(教师边烤香肠,边唱儿歌)five little sausages frying in the pan,the pan got hot, and one went bam…


3、手指游戏 finger play

教师做手指动作说唱本单元儿歌。now,please show me your five fingers.one,two,three,four,five.let’s sing a song….

四、游戏活动 game time

1、教师请五名幼儿上前面,每人伸出一个手指放在老师手上进行表演。let’s play a game.who want to try?(五名幼儿上前来)please show me your one finger like this.they are five sausages.(唱) five little sausages frying in the pan,…

2、五名幼儿带香肠头饰站在绳子围成的圆圈中间,最后按顺序跳出。look,this is a pan.five kids are the sausages.(唱) five little sausages frying in the pan,…


五、动画时间cartoon time

now,let’s watch the cartoon.

六、亲子游戏 family fun



学会用peach, banana, mango, pear来表述单词。


能用Is this a …。? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。

Talk:Good morning. What fruit do you like? Why?

T: Ask pupils to answer the questions.

Encourage the children to tell the reason .在师生之间问答交流中,完成了对上节课知识的复习。

二、Guess the fruit (apple, pear, banana,mango)

Play a guessing game.(Guess the fruit)

e.g. It’s red and round. It’s sweet and juice. What is it?

(S: Guess……)(apple, pear, orangelemon)让学生在听的基础上进行猜谜,通过猜谜,使学生了解了各种水果的特征和色味,既训练了学生的听力,又丰富了学生的词汇。

2.Students follow and repeat.

3.Ask pupils to describe the peach.

Play a guessing game. What is this?It is a/an……(Students touch the bag and guess)让学生运用触觉摸一摸,并猜一猜包里是什么水果,让学生通过视觉和触觉来辨别其形状,诱发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在游戏活动中复习巩固单词。

1.Listen to the rhyme.

2.Make new rhymes using ‘peach’, ‘banana’, ‘pear’。

3.Encourage students to act outrhymes in pairs by using the new words.

4.Read the word cards.(Multi-media)

5.Playing a watching game.通过编儿歌和表演儿歌,学生的创造能力和合作精神都得到提高,同时也为学生提供了充分展示自己才华的机会, 同时也复习了单词、句子。巩固操练了新旧知识,也进一步强化了语言训练。

2.Read page 24 after the tape.

3.Present the new rhyme to their family.


上课前播放了英语歌曲“Apple Sweet”来帮助学生巩固所学的'知识。通过播放课件,师生跟着大屏幕边做动作边演唱这首英语歌曲,营造了很好的英语学习氛围,拉近师生间的情感距离,消除学生的紧张心理,为投入本课的学习创造积极的心理状态。


单词:apple banana orange grape pear lemon

好句子: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Apple   come here  happy birthday.

Banana  come here  happy birthday.

Grape   come here  happy birthday.

Orange  come here  never give up.

Do you like apples?  Yes, I like apples.

Do you like grapes ?  Yes, I like grapes.

Do you like bananas? Yes, I like bananas.

Do you like oranges?  Yes, I like oranges.

Do you like apples.?Yes, I like apples.

Do you like apples.?Yes, I like apples.


1:世界四大水果是什么?Apple  banana  orange  grape  其中grape 是四大水果之首。

2:有趣的水果俚语: the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠

6.a lemon  没有价值的商品.(The car is a lemon).


孔融让梨故事中英文:Kong Rong was smart in his childhood, studious, Zaisi agile, making phone calls, Clever Answer, we Doukua He is an odd child. 4-year-old, he has been able to recite many of Poetry, and understand rites, the parents love him.

One day, his father bought some pears, specially picked one of the biggest pears to the Kong Rong, Kong Rong shaking his head, but another one of the least of sorting the fatigue pears said: “I am the youngest, we should eat smaller pears, pear that you it gave my brother. ”very surprised to hear her father. Kongrongrangli the story quickly spread Qufu, and has been handed down, many parents the education of their children has become a good example.   孔融小时候聪明好学,才思敏捷,巧言妙答,大家都夸他是奇童。4岁时,他已能背诵许多诗赋,并且懂得礼节,父母亲非常喜爱他。   一日,父亲买了一些梨子,特地拣了一个最大的梨子给孔融,孔融摇摇头,却另拣了一个最小的梨子说疲乏:“我年纪最小,应该吃小的梨,你那个梨就给哥哥吧。”父亲听后十分惊喜。孔融让梨的故事,很快传遍了曲阜,并且一直流传下来,成了许多父母教育子女的好例子。


there was a single banana tree in the jungle.

Two bunches of bananas were on the banana tree.

There were three children from a village.

They were watching the bananas grow.

There were four monkeys from the jungle.

They were watching the bananas grow.

The children looked at the bananas at five o’clock in the afternoon everyday.

The monkeys looked at the bananas at six o’clock in the morning everyday.

The three children and the four monkeys were very excited.Soon the bananas would be ready to eat.

All seven of them wanted to eat the bananas.

One evening the children ran to the banana tree. There

were eight colorful butterflies sitting on the bananas.

The bananas were almost yellow.

“Let’s eat the bananas now.”

“No, they are not ripe.”

The next morning the monkeys looked at the bananas.

There were nine drops of dew sparkling on the bananas.

The three children ran to the bananas tree for breakfast.

The four monkeys swung from tree to tree to get to the banana tree.It was 10 o’clock. The monkeys and children wanted bananas for breakfast.

The children were very upset to see the monkeys.

The monkeys were very upset to see the children.

The children were very afraid that the monkeys would take all of the bananas.The monkeys were afraid that the children would take all of the bananas.

The children were very hungry. They were also very tired.

The monkeys were very hungry. They were also very tired.

The children were too tired to throw stones.

The monkeys were too tired to throw sticks.

“I’m so hungry.””Me too.”

“Let’s share the bananas with the monkeys.”

“OK!Let’s share the bananas with the monkeys.”

The monkeys and the children enjoyed their breakfast.

They also learned that sharing is better than fighting.




























1:the Big  Apple   2.the apple of one’s eye  3. apple  polisher   banana.

Bananappleye,   orangeye   applyes   grapeyeggrape   pearabbitopear



1. 通过让幼儿模仿小鸭子、小狗、小鸟。体验走、动、飞得动作,初步理解儿歌

2. 喜欢跟着老师朗诵英语儿歌,表演英语儿歌


学习掌握Walk run fly 的读音,幼儿并能自由地表演





1. Who is coming?Let’s say hello

(教师出示动物卡片,幼儿用英语说出名称,并和她们打招呼。如:Tiger ,tiger,hello tiger!Cat,cat,morning cat!)


Now,Let’s watch TV.Who is coming? ( It’s a duck.It’s a dog .It’s a bird)

What clour is the duck? (It’s yellow)

We can say “yellow duck . (yellow duck. yellow duck)

What colour is the dog? (It’s red.)

We can say “red dog”. (Red dog. red dog)

What colour is the bird? (It’s blue)

We can say “blue bird”. (Blue bird.blue bird)





Who’d act as a duck?Who’d act as a dog? Who’d act as a bird ?

Iet’s walk .run and fly.


Iet’s read a rhyme



Walk Run Fly

Yellow duck,yellow duck .walk,walk,walk.

Red dog,red dog .run,run,run

Blue bird,blue bird,fly fly,fly





1. 学会使用句型“What did you do at the weekend?”和“Where did you go?”并懂得使用相应的过去式进行对话。

2. 能有感情地朗读课文,并进行角色扮演。

3. 能用动词过去式询问上周末的活动情况。


1.会用“What did you do at the weekend?”和 “Where did you go?”询问过去发生的事情。






1. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用单词weekend, place, trip, along, river, twenty, minute, hour, best以及词组the British Museum, bus ride.

2. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子What did you do at the weekend? 和Where did you go?




1. 通过教师引导示范,学生自主识记,小组合作,朗读合作等多种形式,使学生读懂文章并掌握重难句的实际运用。

2. 通过两两对话提高学生学习英语策略及口语交际能力。

3. 通过“争当小记者”活动激发并保持学生学习英语兴趣。




Step1: Warming-up

1) Greet to the students.

2) Listen a song“Where did you go?”唱关于旅游的歌曲,为新课做铺垫。

Step2: Lead-in

1)教师出示自己的旅游照。T: Class, I went to Jinan this weekend. I took lots of photos and ate delicious food. So I had a happy weekend. Do you know weekend?新授weekend,讲解其含义。

2)T:I had a happy weekend. Our friends Amy, Lingling and Sam had a happy weekend too. What did Amy, Lingling and Sam do at the weekend?导入课文教学。

Step 3: Presention.

1) 学生观看整课的Flash 视频,整体感知文本。找出 What did Amy, Lingling and Sam do at the weekend?

2) 根据文本的具体情况,分段听文本。采用任务型教学法,每一个段落设置相应问题,让学生带着问题找答案。

对于文本第二段,教师设置的问题:Where did Amy, Lingling and Sam go? Ss: They went to the British Museum. They visited Big Ben and the London Eye.教师讲授the British Museum.

对于文本第三段,让学生跟读Flash并且找出What did Lingling like best? Ss: She liked the bus ride best. 教师讲解本段中出现的新词汇。




Step 4: Practice.

1) 教师借用Amy 和Daming头像,和学生一起提炼文本重点句,形成一组新的对话,并板书。

Daming: What did you do at the weekend?

Amy: We visited lots of places.

Daming: Where did you go?

Amy: We went to the British Museum, Big Ben and the London Eye.


2) 你问我答:Travel around Dezhou.

教师准备一张图片,上面选取德州的几个景点,如:长河公园,新湖风景区,减河湿地等,每个景点下面对应相应的活动,如:did taijiquan, took photos, played chess,etc. 教师示范后,同桌两人一组,自主练习。

Step5: Extension.( Talk about our travel.)

T: We all had a happy weekend. We went to lots of places and did many things. But I think in our holiday, we were happy too. Now look at this photo. This is me. Who can ask me some questions?

S1: Where did you go?

T: I went to Tianjin. Other questions?

S2: What did you do?

T: I visited my friend. You must have happy holiday too. Now 4 Ss a group. Ask and answer.



最后教师总结:You went to lots of places. Now let’s enjoy our class’s travel(教师课前收集学生旅游照,自制学生旅游视频)。 The world is a wonderful book and those who do not travel can see only a page of it.

Step6: Homework.

Describe your travel to your friends.


Unit1 Where did you go?

Daming: What did you do at the weekend?

Amy: We visited lots of places.

Daming: Where did you go?

Amy: We went to the British Museum, Big Ben and the London Eye.


一、Teaching aims and demands:

*can understand and speak out the words about some colors

*they can do color the things after the order




Color it green.

What color do you like?

Which is the blue duck?

三、交际词汇: pink, green, indigo, red, yellow, purple


可以首先拿出一只剪好的白色鸭子对学生说,This is a duck. This is a duck. I have many ducks. Look, one, two, three, four and five. They are white. Do you know"white"? Now , this is indigo 。This is red.教师拿出两种颜色给学生看。接着教师用刚才的鸭子举例,说,Look here ,this is a white duck. This is a indigo duck 。Now, look, I have many ducks on the blackboard. What color are they? This is a white duck, this is a indigo duck.从刚才新教的词汇开始,然后再教新的颜色词,每教一个新词之前要复习一下刚学过的词,可以将鸭子贴在黑板上,下面再贴上与鸭子颜色一样的光电纸,然后,教师指着鸭子说,This is a duck 。It's blue. It's a blue duck.然后教师问学生,Who can say the sentences about these ducks?鼓励同学们到前面来描述。当一两个同学到前面说完之后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。

接下来,教师选出一些漂亮、鲜艳的颜色,对学生说,I've got lots of colors. What color do you like? 问不同的`同学,如果该学生说,I like green.教师就给该生一个绿色的小苹果(事先剪好不同颜色的苹果或其它图案)

教师教字母D d的时候,可以直接拿出D字母,然后再拿出带有竖琴的图片进行比较,同时带着大家一起说,Big D is a harp. Small d is a chair. The girl is sitting on the chair, playing the harp.教师边说边指着图片和字母Dd.

接着教师说,Look here. What’s this? It’s a dog.D-dog.What's this? It’s a doll.D-doll.教师带着大家朗读D字母音的同时,可以带出的读音,并让学生看图片。

在做练习的时候,教师引导大家看画有彩虹的图。教师可以说,Look, we've got a nice rainbow on page 16.This is a rainbow. It has seven colors 。Let's see. What color are they? 这时教师启发学生说出这七种颜色。



一、。 Draw five ducks with different colors and write each color next to the duck.

辨认dog doll door

二、。Read and draw:

1) A cat,

2) Flowers

3) A cap.

4) A dog.

三、。Write down the words which have letter “D d”。

door cat boy doll duck

blue pink red yellow color

dog green pencil indigo ace


1. Hi/Hello! 您好! Good morning 早上好!

2. Hello,nice to meet you !Nice tosee you ! 您好!见到你很高兴。

3. How are you ? I am fine. Thangyou! 您好吗?我很好,谢谢!

4. Please say bye—bye to your mammy/daddy.请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。

5. Come in ,piease 请进! Come in /come here, please.请过来。

6. You are beautiful 你真漂亮! You are clever. 你真聪明!

7. You are good. 你真棒! Great/ Good/ OK 好!

8. Very nice! 非常好! Happy New year! 新年快乐!

9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! Wonderful ! 太棒了!

10. I am the winner 我是胜利者 / I am the first.我是第一名!

11. You are beautiful!你真漂亮! You are welcome! 欢迎你!

12. How beautiful! 多美呀! How funny! 多有趣呀!

13. Wow ! It’s so nice 哇!它太好了 I love you ! 我爱你!

14. I like fish /beef / lomb 我喜欢鱼肉/牛肉/羊肉

15. I am hungry 我饿了 I am full 我吃饱了

17. I want to go to the toilet 我想上厕所

18. Can I go to toilet.我能上厕所吗? Here you are 给你

19. Close your eyes/ mouth 闭上你的眼睛/和上你的嘴

20. Open your eyes/ mouth 睁开你的眼睛/张开你的嘴巴

21. Close the door 关门 Open the door 开门

22. Return to your seat.回到你的座位上。 Hand up 举手

23. Look Look 看、看 Help ! Help ! 救命!救命!

24. Don't;worry 别担心。 What time is it? 几点了?

25. Where are you ? 你在哪里? Come dowm 冷静!

26. Stop running !别跑! Ok ,stop !好了,停!

27. Take off your coat 脱掉外套! Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

28. Let’s start 让我们开始。 Bye- bye 再见

29. Who can tell me /who can answerme?谁能告诉我/谁能回答我。

30. Look at me 看着我。 Look at the blackboard 看黑板。

31. Be qaite/keep quite保持安静。 Sit well/sit nicely 坐好。

32. Put down your hand/put down yourhand 把手举起来/把手放下

33. Stop talking 别说话。 See you next week下周见!

34. Is that clear ? /Do youunderstand? 清楚了么?/你明白吗?

35. Readwith me 和我一起读。 Return to your seat 回座位

37. Listen to me /Listen to themusic 听我说/听音乐

38. Say it in English 用英语说。 Do you know 你知道吗?

39. Let’s play a game 让我们来做游戏。

40. Let’s write /draw something 让我们来写点什么/ 画点什么?


幼儿英语全英教案: 如何教授动物的英文词汇


1. 引起兴趣:

教师可以使用生动的图片和卡通角色来引起孩子们的兴趣和好奇心。例如,展示一张大象的图片并询问学生,"What animal is this?"接着回答并强调正确的发音,"This is an elephant."

2. 互动学习:


3. 角色扮演:


4. 扩展学习:






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