






介绍信是用来介绍个人或单位的一种应用文体。它具有介绍和证明的双重作用。 使用介绍信,可以使对方了解来人的身份和目的,以便得到对方的信任和支持。





三、如果是请收信人关照被介绍人,要表示感谢;如果是请收信人与被介绍人共 同工作,则对合作要表示乐观的态度。


书信式介绍信一般用印有单位名称的信笺书写,格式与一般书信基本相同。 填表式介绍信是一种印有固定格式的专用信纸,需根据要办的具体事项按格逐 一填写。填表式介绍信有存根,便于查存。


Dear Sir,

We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang, our import manager of Product Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufacturers and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need, and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours sincerely,




我们非常高兴向您介绍我们产品部负责进口事务的经理王先生。王先生将 在你市度过三周,他将与主要的生产厂家拓展业务,并为下一季度釆购装饰织

如能向他介绍可靠的生产厂家,为其提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将 不胜感谢,并非常愿意施以回报。




介绍信主要是用来向收信方介绍,更确切地说是推荐某个人或某些人的一种公 文形式,那么在向别人介绍一个他/她所不熟悉的人时,在行文表达上要注意:

1.应突出该人与其将要从事的事情最相关的能力、素质。比如,当向某高校推 荐人才时,则应强调这个人的学历和资历,如:

She holds a doctor’s degree in teaching methodology and has worked in this field for more than a decade.



Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce to you a visiting scholar, Bill Black, from University of Harvard.




如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如dear dr. smith, dear mr. jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的.地方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。

paragraph 1


paragraph 2


paragraph 3



推荐信的结尾部分应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,联系方式和email address。



writers name


(tel number

mailing address)




1. i would appreciate the privilege of an interview. i may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at 32333416.

2. i would be glad to have a personal interview, and can provide references if needed.

3. thank you for your consideration.

5. i have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. i look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how i could contribute to your organization.

6. thank you for your attention to this matter. i look forward to speaking with you.

9. i feel confident that given the opportunity, i can make an immediate contribution to any corporation. i would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. i will call your office on friday, to schedule an appointment. thank you for your consideration.

10. i look forward to speaking with you.

英语推荐信例文:推荐一位普通员工 有时候,请你写推荐信的人并不都是在行业内做出了很大成绩的人。这时你可能会觉得没有什么可写的、也很难将空泛的溢美之词放在这个人身上。其实,你可以写一些这位员工的工作细节,以此来突出他的优秀品质和能力。比如下面这位经理为一位员工写的推荐信,读起来非常的情真意切,让人感觉他推荐的确实是位好员工。

to whom it may concern:

ive been michael smiths manager at xyz engineering for almost four years. it was my pleasure to promote michael to mechanical engineer last year, because he consistently meets and often exceeds his job requirements.

michael is an enthusiastic, dedicated employee with reliable work habits. he often does not need guidance or supervision, but willingly accepts it when offered. he is consistently successful in improving his skills, and he works hard to do so.sincerely,


manager, mechanical engineering



to whom it may concern,

betty derives satisfaction from helping our customers troubleshoot problems. many of those who have received help from betty specifically ask for her if they need to contact support again, and for good reason: shes professional, courteous and quick to help. she is skilled and tackles problems without prompting. i often see betty in our lab before or after work hours, working on problems.



tom green



英文公司介绍信格式篇dear school leadership:

first of all, your hard work to extend our deep respect! at the same time, also thank you for your busy schedule in my recommended reading materials. i am a beijing university of foreign studies for english majors in 2004 session, a student will be faced with graduation. experienced a four-year college education and college life, in the face of new opportunities and challenges, i am more determined the self-confidence, self-reliance, diligence, modesty, the doctrine of life.

beijing foreign language university is well-known english talent training base, renowned for their rigorous scholarship, well known for educating people. in such a learning environment, i appreciate the vital to the fun of learning english and determined to be a people dedicated to teaching english to their own education, whether in knowledge or in the quality of self-cultivation, i have benefited from.

high school teacher, who is fan is the i have in mind. to learn in my four years at the university to study hard and continue to enrich themselves and self-adjustment. in school, i start from the characteristics of english majors in listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other aspects of the strict demands on themselves. good performance of the subjects. sophomore year with good results when passed a professional examination of the four, third year with good results, they adopted the beijing foreign studies university cet professionals is now actively note 8 national examination for english majors. at the same time, i learned a large number of extra-curricular knowledge, reading the original english text of books, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, and regularly participates in various academic activities of faculties to expand the breadth and depth of knowledge. english proficiency to be able to respond to business letters and timely translation of a variety of day-to-day presentation, be fluent in english communication. the french second language also have a certain amount of listening and speaking ability. computer proficiency in the use of office to office software and windows operating systems, proficiency in a variety of document processing. in addition, i also participated in various school-related professional training, as well as english teacher training. four years at the university won the award four scholarships.

character i cheerful, optimistic, progressive, self-confident, stable, humorous, sincere and pragmatic, others warm and sincere. a serious and responsible work, initiative, able to bear hardships and stand hard. have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration that can quickly adapt to various environments and the integration of them. in schools tended to have better relationships with classmates, in various types of social practice activities, such as the tutor, all kinds of enterprises, such as marketing and promotional efforts, and colleagues have established a good interpersonal skills. these social work practice, i have a keen insight to determine the ability of independent thinking, decisive actions, as well as team spirit, the most important thing is the style, the road institute. solid expertise and accumulated experience of social practice of self-confidence so that i can do the work required by your school.

i have the knowledge, courage and look forward to your insights appreciated!

i have the wisdom, love and confidence will help you achieve the ambitious albert!

finally, i wish your school education have a higher and higher waves, tomorrow is far better than today!





The Embassy of Germany in Beijing

此处写单位英文名称 People’s Republic of China Presents its compliments to the

Embassy of Germany in Beijing and has the honor to request for the issue of

entry visas of Germany for 此处写学员姓名的汉语拼音, who is leaving China on October, 3,


此处写单位英文名称avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of

Germany the assurances of its highest consideration.


July 5, 2008


英文公司介绍信格式范文篇dear dr. xxx,

mr.xxx who has just returned to china from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the chinese language. i am very much interested in such a position.

i have been teaching chinese literature and composition at college level since 19xx. in the past three years, i have worked in summer programs, teaching the chinese language and culture to students from english-speaking courtries. as a result, i got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.

with years of intensive english training, i have no difficulty conducting classes in english and feel queit comfortable working with american students.

i will be available after february 1998.please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. thank you very much for your consideration and i look forward to hearing from you.

sincerely yours,



the embassy of germany in beijing

此处写单位英文名称 people’s republic of china presents its compliments to the embassy of germany in beijing and has the honor to request for the issue of entry visas of germany for 此处写学员姓名的汉语拼音, who is leaving china on october, 3, 2008.

此处写单位英文名称avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the embassy of germany the assurances of its highest consideration.





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