







1. 学生能流利地进行英语口语交流,用英语表达自己的观点和感受。

2. 学生能够运用所学语法知识,正确运用英语单词和语法结构。

3. 学生能够熟练掌握英语听、说、读、写四个方面的语言技能,并能根据具体情境使用所学知识。



1. 提高学生英语口语表达能力,增强自信心。

2. 熟练掌握英语语法知识,正确运用英语单词和语法结构。

3. 加强听、说、读、写四个方面的语言技能,并注重提高语言综合运用能力。





1. 英语语音练习:强调音标的正确发音,培养学生的英语语感。

2. 英语单词记忆:教授英语常用单词及其词义,培养学生词汇量。

3. 英语语法讲解:讲解英语语法知识,包括时态、语态、语气等,帮助学生正确运用语法结构。

4. 听力理解:通过听力练习,提高学生的听力理解能力,增强学生的自信心。

5. 口语交流:通过口语训练,让学生能够自如地进行英语口语交流,表达自己的观点和感受。

6. 阅读理解:鼓励学生养成良好的阅读习惯,通过阅读理解提高学生的阅读能力。

7. 写作训练:教授写作技巧,通过写作训练提高学生的写作能力。



1. 讲解式教学:通过教师的讲解和演示,让学生熟练掌握英语知识点。

2. 互动式教学:鼓励学生积极参与互动,在课堂中自由表达自己的观点和意见。

3. 示范式教学:通过教师的模拟表演、漫画演示等方式,帮助学生理解语言知识,并提高学生的学习兴趣。

4. 合作式教学:通过小组讨论、小组合作等方式,让学生互相学习、互相交流。

5. 情境式教学:通过情境教学,让学生能够最大限度地模拟实际生活场景,根据具体情境使用所学英语知识。



1. 课堂表现评估:评估学生在课堂上的表现,包括发言、思维、协作等方面。

2. 作业评估:评估学生的作业完成情况,包括作业的正确性、完整性和时效性。

3. 考试评估:通过期末考试评估学生的英语水平,并对学生成绩进行统计和分析。

4. 课外作业评估:通过课外阅读、英语听力练习、英语口语练习等方式,评估学生的英语进步情况。



1. 人力资源:具有专业英语教学经验的教师,定期对学生的英语水平进行评估。

2. 教学资料:包括英语课本、辅导教材、课外阅读书籍、网上英语学习资源等。

3. 学习设备:学生需要一台电脑或手机,以及一台耳机,用于进行英语听力训练。




1. "My Future Plans"

As a middle school student, I have begun to think about my future career and life plans. After careful consideration, I have decided that I want to become a doctor. I am interested in medicine because I want to help people and make a positive impact on their lives.

In order to pursue this goal, I plan to work hard in high school to achieve good grades and get into a reputable university. I will need to major in biology or pre-med and then attend medical school. Becoming a doctor requires years of education and training, but I am willing to put in the time and effort.

In addition to studying, I plan to gain practical experience by volunteering at a hospital or shadowing a physician. This will help me understand what it is like to work in the medical field and give me a taste of what my future career might be like.

I know that becoming a doctor will not be easy, but I am determined to make it happen. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, I can achieve my goals and make a meaningful contribution to society.

2. "My Favorite Hobby"

My favorite hobby is playing the guitar. I started playing when I was in elementary school and have continued to practice and improve my skills ever since. I love the feeling of strumming the strings and making music.

Playing the guitar has brought me a lot of joy and has also taught me important lessons about perseverance and dedication. Learning to play an instrument takes time and patience, but the rewards are worth it.

In addition to playing for my own enjoyment, I also enjoy performing for others. I have played at school events, talent shows, and even at a local coffee shop. Sharing my music with others is a great feeling.

Playing the guitar has also introduced me to a community of other musicians. I have made friends with other guitar players and have even joined a band. Being part of a band is a lot of fun and has helped me develop my musical skills even further.

Overall, playing the guitar is an important part of my life and brings me a lot of happiness. I plan to continue playing for many years to come.

3. "My Favorite Place"

My favorite place is the beach. I love the sound of the waves, the feel of the sand between my toes, and the warm sun on my skin. Going to the beach is a great way to relax and unwind.

One of my favorite things to do at the beach is to go for a swim. Swimming in the ocean is a unique experience and always makes me feel refreshed. I also enjoy building sandcastles, playing beach volleyball, and taking long walks along the shore.

Another reason why I love the beach is the scenery. The ocean is beautiful and peaceful, and watching the sunrise or sunset over the water is a breathtaking sight. I also enjoy watching the seagulls and pelicans fly overhead, and sometimes even catching glimpses of dolphins swimming in the distance.

Finally, the beach is a great place to spend time with friends and family. Whether it's a family vacation or a day trip with friends, going to the beach is always a fun and memorable experience.

In conclusion, the beach is my favorite place because it is peaceful, beautiful, and a great place to spend time with loved ones. It is a special place that always makes me feel happy and relaxed.


English Teaching Plan for Junior High School Students


Junior high school is an important period for students to learn English. At this stage, students should build a solid foundation in English grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills. Additionally, oral communication and critical thinking abilities should also be developed. This teaching plan aims to help students improve their English proficiency and enrich their knowledge of world cultures.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master basic English grammar rules and sentence structures.

2. Expand knowledge of vocabulary and improve reading comprehension.

3. Develop oral communication skills and be able to express oneself fluently and accurately in English.

4. Enhance critical thinking abilities through discussion, analysis, and evaluation of English texts.

Teaching Content:

1. Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, sentence structures, and usage.

2. Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to daily life, academic topics, and popular culture.

3. Reading: Short stories, articles, news reports, and literary works from English-speaking countries.

4. Listening and Speaking: Dialogues, speeches, debates, and group discussions on various topics.

5. Writing: Paragraphs, essays, and letters on different themes.

Teaching Methods:

1. Lecture and Explanation: The teacher introduces grammar and vocabulary rules and models their usage in context.

2. Practice and Drills: Students work on exercises and quizzes to reinforce their mastery of grammar and vocabulary.

3. Reading and Analysis: Students read and analyze English texts to improve their reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities.

4. Role Play and Group Discussion: Students practice oral communication and collaboration skills through role plays and group discussions.

5. Writing and Feedback: Students write paragraphs, essays, and letters on different themes and receive feedback and revisions from the teacher and peers.

Teaching Assessments:

1. Grammar and Vocabulary Tests: Assess students’ knowledge of grammar and vocabulary rules, usage, and application.

2. Reading Comprehension and Analysis: Assess students’ understanding of English texts, context, and critical thinking abilities.

3. Oral Communication and Interaction: Assess students’ fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and collaboration skills in oral activities.

4. Writing and Composition: Assess students’ ability to express themselves clearly, creatively, and effectively in written form.


Through the English teaching plan for junior high school students, it is expected that students can build a solid foundation in English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension skills, oral communication, and critical thinking abilities. These skills will benefit them not only in their future academic studies but also in their personal and professional development in a globalized world.


English Curriculum Plan for Grade 9 of People's Education Press


People's Education Press (PEP) is one of the most recognized and respected publishers of English textbooks in China. The PEP English curriculum plan for grade 9 is designed to help students develop a strong foundation in English language skills, ranging from grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and reading comprehension to writing, speaking, and listening skills. It aims to equip students with practical and effective language tools that will enable them to communicate confidently and effectively in English, both in academic and real-life situations.


- To cultivate interest and enthusiasm for learning English

- To develop essential language skills for effective communication

- To enhance reading comprehension and critical thinking

- To build a strong foundation in grammar, syntax, and vocabulary

- To provide opportunities for real-life communication

- To prepare students for further studies in English language and literature


Module 1: Friends and Family

- Introducing oneself and others

- Talking about family members and their relationship

- Describing physical appearance and personality

- Discussing personal interests and hobbies

Module 2: Life in the City

- Talking about different aspects of city life

- Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city

- Describing different types of transport and their uses

- Writing a compare and contrast essay on city life vs. country life

Module 3: School Days

- Talking about school life and routines

- Discussing different subjects and their importance

- Writing an argumentative essay on whether homework is necessary or not

- Preparing and presenting a group project on a school-related topic

Module 4: Travel and Tourism

- Talking about travel experiences and destinations

- Describing tourist attractions and local customs

- Writing a descriptive essay on a travel destination

- Preparing and presenting a travel brochure on a chosen destination

Module 5: Society and Culture

- Talking about cultural diversity and tolerance

- Discussing social issues and their impact on society

- Writing a persuasive essay on a social issue

- Preparing and presenting a group project on a cultural topic


Assessment will be done through a variety of methods, including assignments, quizzes, tests, presentations, and group projects. Teachers will also conduct regular formative and summative assessments to track students' progress and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Students will receive feedback and constructive criticism to help them improve their language skills and prepare them for further studies in English.


The PEP English curriculum plan for grade 9 is designed to provide students with essential language tools and skills that will enable them to communicate effectively and confidently in English. The curriculum focuses on developing a strong foundation in grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, as well as enhancing reading comprehension, critical thinking, and real-life communication. By the end of the course, students should be able to express themselves fluently and accurately in written and spoken English, and be well-prepared for further studies in English language and literature.































The English curriculum for Grade 9 students in China is a crucial stage in students’ learning and development. It is a time when students gain proficiency in the language, both in terms of fluency and understanding. English is not only a subject of study but also an essential life skill, and it is our responsibility as teachers to equip our students with the necessary tools to communicate effectively.


The primary objective of teaching English at the Grade 9 level is to help students acquire essential language skills that they will need in both their academic and professional lives. Furthermore, it is vital to help students build their confidence in using the language by providing ample opportunities to practice their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

Teaching Materials:

The textbook used in the Grade 9 English curriculum is the People's Education Press (PEP) edition of the "New Century Senior English for China" series. Apart from the textbook, teachers can utilize supplementary materials such as videos, audio recordings, and online resources. The teacher should ensure the appropriateness of the materials for their students.

Teaching Strategies:

The focus of the Grade 9 English curriculum is to support students in utilizing their language skills effectively in various settings. The classroom should be an environment that enables students to practice their language skills. The teacher should encourage interaction among students, provide feedback, and facilitate discussions. Teachers should aim to create challenging but manageable tasks to help students improve their critical thinking and creativity.

Lesson Plan:

Theme: Healthy Living

Lesson 1: Introduction to Healthy Living

Objective: Students will be able to identify different aspects of a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of healthy living.

Lesson 2: Diet and Nutrition

Objective: Students will be able to understand the significance of a balanced diet and the importance of nutrition in maintaining good health.

Lesson 3: Exercise and Fitness

Objective: Students will be able to identify different types of exercise and understand how they impact overall fitness.

Lesson 4: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Objective: Students will be able to identify factors that contribute to good mental health and wellbeing.

Lesson 5: Healthy Living Tips and Strategies

Objective: Students will share practical ideas and strategies on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Activity Plan:

In addition to traditional classroom instruction, the following activities can be used to reinforce and support the lesson objectives:

1. Students can conduct group presentations on different topics related to healthy living.

2. Students can participate in a food or exercise diary project to help raise awareness of their eating habits and physical activities.

3. Students can participate in different physical activities and sports.

4. Students can participate in an online discussion forum where they can share ideas on healthy living.

5. Students can work on a group project where they design a healthy living plan for their classmates to follow.


The Grade 9 English curriculum provides a significant opportunity for students to build their language skills while learning about topics that are relevant to their personal lives. Teachers should aim to create a classroom environment that encourages interaction and communication among students. Through the use of interactive activities and discussions, teachers can help their students develop confidence and proficiency in using the English language. By the end of the year, students will have acquired a wide range of language skills and content knowledge, which will serve them well in their future academic and professional lives.


English Teaching Plan for Grade 9


The English Teaching Plan for Grade 9 has been designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the learning objectives, teaching strategies, and assessment methods for the academic year. The objective of Grade 9 English is to improve students’ language proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking. The focus will be on developing students’ grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, critical thinking and communication skills.

Teaching Objectives:

The teaching objectives of Grade 9 English include the following:

1. Improve students’ reading comprehension skills.

2. Enhance students’ writing proficiency, including grammar, vocabulary, and structure.

3. Increase students' listening skills to better understand spoken English.

4. Engage students in speaking activities to improve their communication skills.

5. Develop critical thinking skills through analysis and interpretation of literary texts.

Teaching Strategies:

The teaching strategies for Grade 9 English will consist of a combination of classroom activities, discussions, group work, and independent study that encourage interactive learning. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing English as the primary language of instruction. Teachers will create an inclusive learning environment, helping students to build their confidence and create a passion for learning.


The assessment approach for Grade 9 English will be aligned with the teaching objectives. Assessment methods will include written assignments, reading comprehension tests, verbal exercises (such as oral presentations, dialogues, and class discussions), and group work.

Teaching Plan:

Term 1:

Topic: Introduction to English Language and Literature

Objectives: Introduce students to the English language and literature. Develop students’ basic language skills in grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing.


1. Introduce common English expressions, grammar rules, and vocabulary.

2. Read and analyze simple texts, including novels, poems, and short stories.

3. Writing practice involving descriptive, persuasive, and creative writing.

4. Oral presentations and debates on different topics


1. Written assignments.

2. Oral presentations.

3. Group work on discussions.

4. Midterm evaluation test (including reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary).

Term 2:

Topic: English Language and Culture

Objectives: Deepen students’ understanding of the English language and culture. Enhance students’ reading and writing skills.


1. Read more complex literary texts, such as plays, novels, and non-fiction books.

2. Writing practice involving argumentative, informative and research-based essays.

3. Listening comprehension exercises.

4. Drama performance and poetry recitation.


1. Written assignments.

2. Oral presentations.

3. Group work on discussions.

4. End of term assessment test (including reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary).

Term 3:

Topic: Globalization and Cross-cultural Communication

Objectives: Develop students’ skills in cross-cultural communication and global awareness.


1. Explore the cultural differences through reading and discussion.

2. Writing practice involving comparison and contrast, opinion essays, and reflective journals.

3. Oral presentation on global issues and solutions.

4. Listening comprehension exercises.


1. Written assignments.

2. Oral presentations.

3. Group work on discussions.

4. Final examination (including reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary).


The above-mentioned English Teaching Plan for Grade 9 is designed to stimulate the interest and passion for learning English. The teaching objectives, strategies, and assessments will help students develop an in-depth understanding of the English language and culture, improve their language proficiency, critical thinking, and communication skills. The ultimate goal is to prepare students for the challenges of the future, both in academics and in real-life situations.


English Teaching Plan for Junior Middle School Chinese Students


As one of the significant subjects in Chinese schools, English plays a crucial role in students' lives. With the rise of globalization, English proficiency has become an essential skill for students to succeed in their future careers. Hence, developing an effective teaching plan for junior middle school students is crucial in enhancing their English proficiency.


English education aims to enable students to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds. In the teaching plan, students will develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The objectives of the teaching plan are:

1. To develop students' English proficiency to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English.

2. To expand students' vocabulary and enhance their grammar skills.

3. To encourage students' interest in English by introducing relevant and engaging topics.

4. To foster positive attitudes toward English learning by providing a supportive learning environment.

Teaching Approach

The teaching plan will use the communicative approach, which is a student-centered approach that emphasizes interaction and communication between students. The approach involves using real-life situations that students may encounter outside the classroom, enabling them to communicate in English with a focus on fluency over accuracy.

Teaching Topics

The teaching plan covers various topics that aim to develop students' English proficiency and interest in learning English. The topics include:

1. Self-Introduction

Students will learn basic information on how to introduce themselves in English, including personal information, hobbies, interests, and family backgrounds. They will also listen to and practice answering frequently asked questions.

2. Travel

Students will learn relevant vocabulary, phrases, and grammar structures needed for traveling in English-speaking countries. They will also listen to and practice speaking about travel experiences, places to visit, and accommodation.

3. Food

Students will learn vocabulary related to food and drinks, including ordering food, describing the taste of food, and asking for recommendations. They will also learn about table manners in English-speaking countries.

4. Technology

Students will learn vocabulary related to technology, including common phrases and idioms used when discussing technology. They will also listen to and practice discussing different aspects of technology, including its advantages and disadvantages.

5. Cultural Differences

Students will learn about cultural differences between China and English-speaking countries, including traditions, customs, and holidays. They will also learn about cross-cultural communication, including how to communicate with people from different backgrounds effectively.


Assessment in English education is critical as it enables teachers to monitor students' progress. Assessment will be continuous, informal, and formal, and it will include the following:

1. Assigning weekly tasks that test students' grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension levels.

2. Conducting a midterm and end-of-term examination that covers the topics taught during the term.

3. Providing feedback and grades to students to help them identify areas they need to improve.


In conclusion, the English teaching plan for junior middle school students aims to develop students' English proficiency and foster positive attitudes toward learning English. The teaching plan uses a communicative approach that emphasizes interaction and communication between students. The plan comprises five topics covering relevant and engaging subjects that aim to develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Assessment will enable teachers to monitor students' progress and provide feedback to help them identify areas they need to improve.














Summer vacation is a great time to rest, relax, and have fun with friends and family. However, it is also the perfect opportunity to learn new skills and expand your horizons. That’s why I’m planning to spend this summer learning something new.

My plan is to learn a new language. I’ve always been fascinated by the French language and culture, and I think it would be a valuable skill to have in today’s globalized world. To do this, I plan to take an online course in French and practice speaking with native speakers on language exchange platforms. I’m hoping that by the end of the summer, I’ll be able to hold a conversation in French.

Of course, I also plan to have some fun this summer. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and friends, and maybe even going on a trip somewhere. But I think it’s important to use my time off from school to learn something new and improve myself.


Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, and I’ve read many great books over the years. But if I had to choose just one, it would be J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.

I first started reading the Harry Potter books when I was in elementary school, and I was immediately hooked. The story of a young orphan who discovers he is a wizard and attends a magical school was so captivating to me, and I couldn’t get enough of the wizarding world that Rowling had created.

What I love most about the Harry Potter books is the sense of wonder and adventure that they evoke. Reading these books is like going on a thrilling journey to a world filled with magic and mystery. But at the same time, the characters and themes are grounded in real-world issues like love, friendship, and loyalty.

Overall, the Harry Potter series is a true masterpiece of modern literature that has captured the hearts and imaginations of readers all over the world.


There are many heroes that I admire, from historical figures like Martin Luther King Jr. to fictional characters like Harry Potter. But if I had to choose just one, it would be Malala Yousafzai.

Malala is a young woman from Pakistan who became an advocate for education and women’s rights at a very young age. She started speaking out against the Taliban when she was just 11 years old, and quickly gained international attention for her bravery and determination. Unfortunately, her activism made her a target, and she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman when she was just 15 years old.

Despite this horrific attack, Malala survived and continued to speak out for education and human rights. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, and has become a symbol of hope and inspiration for people all over the world.

What I admire most about Malala is her courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. She never gave up on her beliefs, even when it put her in danger. Her story reminds me of the power of education and the importance of standing up for what you believe in, no matter the cost.


Unit 1 Friendship

Topic: Real Friendship

Friendship is an integral part of our lives and plays a significant role in shaping who we are as individuals. It is important to understand what genuine friendship entails and how to distinguish it from superficial relationships.

Real friendship is characterized by mutual respect, trust, honesty, loyalty, and support. It involves being there for each other through the good times and the bad, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when needed. It also means being able to have open and honest conversations about difficult topics and being willing to work through conflicts.

Superficial relationships, on the other hand, are based on convenience and often lack the depth and commitment that true friendship requires. They may involve surface-level conversations and limited involvement in each other's lives. While these types of relationships can be enjoyable and beneficial in their own way, they do not offer the same level of emotional support and understanding that true friends provide.

In order to cultivate real friendship, it is important to be present in the lives of our friends, keep communication open and frequent, and actively work to build and maintain the relationship over time. It is also important to approach friendship with sincerity and kindness, making an effort to understand and support our friends through their challenges and successes.

Real friendship is a rare and valuable bond that enriches our lives in countless ways. By understanding what authentic friendship entails and working to cultivate these types of relationships in our lives, we can create a strong support system that helps us navigate our way through life's ups and downs.

Unit 2 Health

Topic: Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked or stigmatized in society. It is important to recognize the value of mental health and to learn how to promote and maintain good mental health practices in our daily lives.

Good mental health involves finding the balance between our emotional, physical, and social well-being. It requires us to identify and manage stressors in our lives, as well as to develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with challenges as they arise.

There are many ways to promote good mental health, including regular exercise, healthy eating habits, social engagement, and stress management techniques such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises. It is also important to seek professional help when needed, whether through a therapist, counselor, or support group.

In order to promote mental health awareness, it is important to combat the stigma surrounding mental health issues and to encourage open and compassionate dialogue about the topic. We can do this by speaking out against negative stereotypes and misinformation, and by educating ourselves and others about the realities of mental illness.

By making mental health a priority in our lives and in our communities, we can create a culture of support and understanding for those who are struggling with mental health issues. We can also help to prevent mental health problems from arising in the first place by promoting healthy habits and positive coping mechanisms.

Good mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, and it is important that we prioritize and invest in our mental health just as we do our physical health. By raising awareness of the importance of mental health and taking proactive steps to promote and maintain good mental health practices, we can work towards creating a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Unit 3 Travel

Topic: The Benefits of Travel

Traveling is an enriching and transformative experience that offers numerous benefits for personal growth and development. Whether we are exploring a new culture, trying new foods, or meeting new people, travel allows us to broaden our horizons and expand our perspectives.

One of the primary benefits of travel is that it can help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves. By immersing ourselves in new environments and cultures, we are forced to confront our biases and preconceptions and challenge our assumptions about the world. Travel also provides us with the opportunity to step outside of our comfort zones and test our limits, which can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

Travel can also help us to develop a greater sense of empathy and understanding for people from different backgrounds and cultures. By experiencing firsthand the challenges and triumphs of people from different walks of life, we are able to cultivate a greater sense of compassion and respect for others.

In addition to fostering personal growth and understanding, travel is also a great way to unwind and recharge. By taking a break from the stresses and demands of our daily lives, we are able to relax and rejuvenate, which can have significant health benefits. Travel can also provide us with a sense of adventure and excitement, making us feel more alive and energized.

In order to fully reap the benefits of travel, it is important to approach it with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. This means being willing to try new things, meet new people, and embrace new experiences. It also means being sensitive to the customs and traditions of the places we visit and showing respect and appreciation for the people and cultures we encounter.

Travel is a transformative and enriching experience that can offer numerous benefits for personal growth and development. By embracing travel as a path to self-discovery and cultural understanding, we can expand our horizons and deepen our connections to the world around us.




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