



1、My father is a truck driver. He is more than 1.8 meters tall. His ordinary face is full of the hard work and hardships of driving every day. He has a pair of bright eyes, but after the daily wind and rain, the bright eyes also have a bit of gloom. His big mouth seems to be smiling all day without a trace of sadness.








9、Father's love is deep. I want to say a word to my father from the bottom of my heart. Although this word has been said thousands of times by the world, I want to say to my father: "I love you!"

10、Thanks to my dear parents! You gave me life, let me come to this beautiful world, let me have the opportunity to pursue happiness and feel happiness. It is you who nurtured me and taught me how to be grateful.

11、Don't forget that in a complete family, in addition to maternal love, there is also paternal love. On the road of our growth, my father set a coordinate for us and forged wings for us to fly. Thank you for your father's love and all that it has brought us. It is an eternal love. Thank you, father!

12、Father's love is a mountain! It will give me strength when I am difficult, give me direction when I am confused, give me confidence when I am lost, and congratulate and alert me when I succeed. Father's love is the great mountain that supports my life!

13、Whenever I see my father's silver hair; Whenever I see my father's slightly hunched back, I don't know whether my eyes are full of tears. My father has made great efforts for us and our family, but he is calm all the time and has no complaints

14、Father's love is like the rain in spring, which moistens my seedling from the ground. When I felt depressed, my father's words of encouragement made me feel warm, and everything started again.

15、Father's love is like a mountain, tall and lofty, which makes me afraid to climb; Father's love is as strong as the sky. It is rough and profound. I look up to him and feel pity for him; Father's love is like a river, long and thin, which makes me dare not tread.

16、Father love is always silent. Although father love is not as delicate as mother love, it is more profound than mother love. When you feel the silence with a sincere heart, your life will be more warm and happy. The silence contains ardent encouragement, firm encouragement and ardent expectation.

17、I have a fickle father. Sometimes we are close to each other like friends; Sometimes, like strangers, they are strangers to each other and far away from the world. His personality can be described by the advertising words of the Seven Wolves.

18、Dad is not easy. No one can compare with him. He never thinks about himself for children and women. He has spent most of his life with no complaints. Now he is very old, so he should enjoy happiness and take care of his health. I wish my father a happy holiday, good health and a long life.


20、"The mother is worried when she travels a thousand miles." So is the father? However, the father's love for his children is hidden in his heart and subtle actions. Father's love is like the black soil, which silently supplies the nutrition and water needed by the seedlings. Father's love is like the dew on the lotus leaf in the morning, which inadvertently soaks the thirsty heart of the lotus.




24、Father's love, like green tea, moistens my thirsty throat; Father's love is like tea, watering my young soul; Father's love, like tea, warms my little world.

25、Even if you are an immortal expert, it is difficult to outline your father's strong backbone: even if you are a literary magnate, it is difficult to portray your father's unyielding spirit; Even if the sea is full of rivers, it is difficult to include your father's love for your children.







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