


Saluting the heroes who have fought for our Nation's freedom, sovereignty and human dignit~~还有哪些类似的句子在网上广为流传?也许以下内容“英语祝愿信句子”合你胃口!如果合你所需,不妨马上收藏本页。


1、Let us celebrate the beauty and diversity of our great nation on this National Day! 让我们在这个国庆节上庆祝我们伟大国家的美丽和多样性!

2、Honoring the contribution of our nation's art and culture to the global community on National Day!

3、May the spirit of patriotism and national pride fill our hearts on this National Day and beyond!

4、Happy National Day, let us stand together with pride and dignity!

5、May this National Day be a day of joy and happiness for us all!

6、Let's come together to celebrate our Nation's achievements on this special day!

7、Happy National Day to our environmentalists who protect our natural resources and preserve our planet! 祝我们的环保工作者国庆快乐,感谢他们保护我们的自然资源,保护我们的星球!

8、Happy National Day to all the heroes who have served our country with dedication and commitment!

9、Let's embrace our national pride and celebrate our country's progress and achievements on National Day!

10、May our country continue to be a beacon of progress, innovation and development!

11、Let's cherish and appreciate the freedom, independence and sovereignty of our great Nation on this National Day!

12、May this National Day be a celebration of our achievements and progress!

13、May our country continue to be a beacon of hope, progress and innovation for all!

14、Happy National Day, my fellow citizens! Let's create a brighter future for generations to come!

15、Proud to be a citizen of this wonderful country. Happy National Day!

16、Let us celebrate the freedom and democracy that our nation stands for on this National Day!

17、Let's celebrate the spirit of innovation and progress of our country on this National Day!

18、Happy National Day, a time to celebrate the best of our nation!

19、Wishing you and your family a Happy National Day filled with love and joy!

20、Happy National Day to all Chinese around the world!

21、May our country continue to be an example of hope and inspiration on this National Day and always!

22、Wishing you and your family a happy and enjoyable National Day!


23、May our country soar to greater heights and achieve even greater success in the years ahead! 愿我们的国家未来更加辉煌,更加成功!

24、May the bond of love and unity among our citizens grow stronger every year! Happy National Day!

25、Cheers to the freedom and sovereignty of our nation on National Day!

26、Let’s salute the flag on this National Day!

27、May this National Day be a reminder of the values and ideals our country was built upon!

28、Happy Birthday, China! May your growth and success continue for many more years to come!

29、May our country continue to promote cultural exchange and friendship with all nations on National Day! 愿我们的国家在国庆节上继续推动与各国的文化交流和友谊!

30、Happy National Day! Let's honor the history and heritage of our great nation and strive to make it better each and every day. 国庆快乐! 让我们珍视我们伟大国家的历史和传统,并努力让它每天变得更好。

31、Happy National Day to the best country in the world! Let's continue to strive for greatness! 祝全球最好的国家国庆快乐!让我们继续为伟大而奋斗!

32、On National Day, let's remember the legacy of our country's forefathers and honor their contributions.

33、Let us unite in our love and commitment to our nation on this National Day!

34、Wishing you a happy and joyful National Day with your family and friends!

35、Let's cherish and protect our land and resources on National Day!

36、May this National Day remind us of the sacrifice and dedication of our ancestors!

37、Let's honour and respect the diversity, culture and traditions of our great Nation this National Day!

38、Warm wishes for a happy and prosperous National Day!

39、Happy Independence Day to this mighty nation and its people.

40、May our country continue to be a source of inspiration and hope for all people!

41、May the spirit of patriotism and resilience guide us forward on this National Day!

42、Let us honour the sacrifices and contributions of our countrymen on this National Day!

43、May this National Day bring us all closer as a nation!

44、Saluting the heroes who have fought for our Nation's freedom, sovereignty and human dignity this National Day!





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