



1、愿圣诞之夜的烛光,带给你温馨和芬芳。 May the candlelight on christmas eve bring you warmth and fragrance.



4、风飘着醉人的钟声,每一声都是我对你的祝福,愿我的祝福化成点点星光,在这个圣诞夜里陪伴你,过一个美好的圣诞夜,祝你圣诞快乐! The wind blows with intoxicating bells, and every sound is my blessing to you. May my blessings turn into little stars and accompany you on this Christmas night. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, and wish you a happy Christmas!


6、短信早一点迟一点,收到就好;礼物有大有小,诚心就好;朋友不在乎多少,有我就好;平安夜无聊,找我就好!只愿你的圣诞节,快乐就好! Send the text message earlier or later, as long as you receive it; Gifts can be big or small, sincerity is good; Friends dont care much, just have me; Christmas Eve is boring, just come find me! May your Christmas be happy!


8、祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。 Merry christmas and a happy and successful new year.


10、想着你啊真是美,塞过新疆的烤羊腿。思念的你啊虽然胖,但是在我心中有份量。圣诞节快乐哦! Thinking of you, its so beautiful. Ive stuffed xinjiangs roast lamb leg. Miss you, although fat, but in my heart has weight. Happy christmas!


12、都说流星有求必应,我愿意守在星空之下,等到一颗星星被我感动,划破长空,载着我的祝福落在你枕边,祝你圣诞节快乐! It is said that meteors always respond to your requests, and I am willing to stay under the starry sky. When a star is moved by me and cuts through the sky, it carries my blessings and falls on your pillow. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

13、今天寒风凛冽,心中充满温暖,圣诞树挂满诚诚的心愿,圣诞歌唱出美美的心声,圣诞老人送出闪闪的礼物,我则送上真挚贴心的祝福,愿您圣诞快乐,吉祥如意,万事顺心,美梦成真! Today, the cold wind is chilly, and my heart is filled with warmth. The Christmas tree is filled with sincere wishes, Christmas sings with beautiful voices, Santa Claus gives sparkling gifts, and I send sincere and thoughtful wishes. May you have a happy Christmas, good luck, all the best, and your dreams come true!



16、愿你圣诞心愿现,快乐笑声永不断! May your christmas wish come true and your laughter last forever!


18、这是本年最可爱短信:收到的人会永不被炒,阅读的人会飞黄腾达,存储的人会爱情甜蜜,删除的人会好运连连,转发的人薪水猛涨。祝圣诞节快乐! This is the cutest text message of the year: those who receive it will never be fired, those who read it will soar, those who store it will have sweet love, those who it will have good luck, and those who forward it will see their salaries skyrocket. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


20、送你一颗最大最美的圣诞树,为你挂满了祝福的彩灯,为你点缀着快乐的铃声,为你装饰上幸福的美梦,当圣诞钟声敲响的一刹那,你的生活将流光溢彩。 Send you the largest and most beautiful Christmas tree, adorned with colorful lights of blessings, adorned with joyful bells, and decorated with happy dreams. When the Christmas bell rings, your life will shine brightly.

21、Christmas greetings and best wishes! 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!


23、收到信息你要笑,好运把你来拥抱,吉祥在你左右闹,幸福伴你把舞跳,快乐给你媚眼抛,信息可靠不可靠,关键看你笑不笑。祝圣诞开心乐逍遥! When you receive a message, you should smile. Good luck will embrace you, good luck will play around you, happiness will dance with you, and happiness will give you seductive eyes. The reliability of information depends on whether you smile or not. Wishing you a happy and carefree Christmas!

24、在这圣洁的节日,给我的至爱送上一句简单的祝福:圣诞快乐! On this holy holiday, I would like to send a simple blessing to my beloved: Merry Christmas!




28、圣诞有你伴平安,幸福甜蜜到永远。 Christmas with you safe, happy and sweet forever.


30、圣诞焰火飞满天,圣诞歌曲唱了一天,圣诞老人等了一天,圣诞礼物也没挂满天,不过我的祝福跟在中间,愿你有酒有肉开心过,有吃有喝每一天! Christmas fireworks fly all over the sky, Christmas songs are sung all day, Santa Claus waits all day, and Christmas gifts are not hung all over the sky. However, my blessings follow in the middle. May you have wine, meat, and a happy life, eat and drink every day!

31、爬过烟囱,穿过窗;拉过雪橇,踏过霜;挂过礼物,化过妆;扮过老人,送福光:愿你幸福快乐,过平安;吉祥如意,事成双;圣诞佳节,享平安。 Climb over the chimney and pass through the window; Pulling sleds, stepping on frost; Having hung gifts and put on makeup; Playing the role of an elderly person and sending blessings: May you be happy and have peace; Good luck and success in everything; Enjoy peace during Christmas.

32、A christmas greeting to cheer you,my goodfriend. 献上令你开心的圣诞祝福,我的好友。





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