




2、相识系于缘,相知系于诚,也许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离。但值得珍惜的依然是知心的友谊。向你道一声:圣诞快乐! Acquiring each other is based on fate, knowing each other is based on sincerity. Perhaps time will fade away the past, or perhaps space will separate each other. But what is still worth cherishing is the close friendship. May I say to you: Merry Christmas!

3、祝你圣诞节快乐,生活有滋有味! Wish you a happy Christmas and a wonderful life!

4、圣诞节,把好运带来;圣诞帽,把吉祥带到;圣诞袜,把笑容常挂;圣诞靴,把幸福穿越;圣诞树,传递真心祝福,祝你圣诞快乐,幸福生活精彩在握。 Christmas brings good luck; Christmas hat, bringing good luck; Christmas socks, keep your smile hanging; Christmas boots, crossing happiness; Christmas tree, conveying sincere blessings, wishing you a happy Christmas and a wonderful life in your hands.


6、圣诞节,送你一棵圣诞树,圣诞树上结幸福,幸福里面含快乐,送你一张圣诞卡,圣诞卡里写祝福,祝福里面是问候,送你一条短信息,信息里面藏心愿,心愿就只一句话‘愿你圣诞节快乐’! Christmas, I will give you a Christmas tree with happiness on it. Happiness contains happiness. I will give you a Christmas card with blessings written on it and greetings inside. I will send you a short message with wishes hidden in it. The wish is just one sentence: Wishing you a happy Christmas!


8、圣诞节就快到了,我把收藏了一年的喜气、福气、财气、瑞气、运气统统装进一个精美的盒子里,在圣诞节那天,让圣诞老人带去送给你,祝你圣诞快乐! Christmas is coming soon, and I have packed all the blessings, blessings, wealth, luck, and good luck that I have collected for a year into a beautiful box. On Christmas Day, let Santa Claus bring them to you and wish you a happy Christmas!

9、圣诞节,愿我的问候带给你最温暖的幸福。 Christmas, may my greetings bring you the warmest happiness.

10、偶尔的繁忙,不代表遗忘。冬日的到来,愿你心情舒畅,曾落下问候,这一刻一齐补偿,所有的关心,凝聚这条短信,祝圣诞快乐。 Occasional busyness does not mean forgetting. With the arrival of winter, may you feel at ease. Once you have left a greeting, lets make up for it together at this moment. All your care is condensed into this message. Wishing you a happy Christmas.


12、圣诞到,心欢笑,张灯结彩真美妙;鹿儿跑,礼物到,铃儿叮当响云霄;雪花飘,梦儿好,一声问候幸福绕;花儿开,鸟儿叫,好运心意齐报道。圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, with a joyful heart and beautiful decorations; Deers run, gifts arrive, bells jingle in the clouds; Snowflakes drift, dreams are good, a greeting of happiness surrounds; Flowers bloom, birds chirp, good luck and good intentions report together. Merry Christmas!

13、当星辰亮起时,我在天空写下你的名字;当流星划过时,我将思念与祝福送给你!让这真挚的祝福,平凡的心意,乘着爱的鹿车,送进你的心里!圣诞快乐! When the stars light up, I write your name in the sky; When the shooting star passes by, I will send you my thoughts and blessings! Let this sincere blessing, ordinary heart, ride in the chariot of love and be sent into your heart! Merry Christmas!

14、平安夜,送你一个苹果两个橙,保你平平安安心想事成,再送你百事可乐一瓶,愿你快快乐乐乐无穷!祝你平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐! On Christmas Eve, I will give you an apple and two oranges to ensure your peace and success. I will also give you a bottle of Pepsi Cola. May you be happy and joyful! Wishing you a happy Christmas Eve and Christmas!

15、送你圣诞浓浓祝福,愿你快乐幸福久久。 Send you a Christmas greeting. May you be happy for a long time.

16、我走在沙漠,嗓子冒火,我向上帝祈祷,求他赐水喝。上帝说,只要看短信的人笑了,就赏我一片湖泊。看,只有你能把我救活,跟我笑一个吧!祝你圣诞快乐! I am walking in the desert, my throat burning. I pray to God for water to drink. God said, as long as the person reading the text message smiles, they will reward me with a lake. Look, only you can save me, just laugh with me! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

17、平安夜里求道平安符,平安符写上我最美的祝福;圣诞节里栽棵圣诞树,圣诞树摇曳你四季的幸福。平安夜、圣诞节祝你福禧双至,一生都有好运的眷顾! On Christmas Eve, seek a peace symbol with my most beautiful blessings written on it; Plant a Christmas tree during Christmas, the Christmas tree sways your happiness throughout the four seasons. Wishing you both happiness and happiness on Christmas Eve, and good luck throughout your life!

18、圣诞乐,圣诞乐,快乐心涌,祝福手中握,条条短信是礼物,条条短信是快乐!礼物堆成堆,快乐汇成河。圣诞老人在说话,圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, with a surge of joy in your heart. Grasp your blessings in your hand, messages are gifts, messages are happiness! Gifts pile up, happiness flows into a river. Santa Claus is talking, Merry Christmas!

19、欢乐温馨的圣诞节又到了,我用真心的祝福和绵绵的思念编织成柔暖的围巾,紧紧地围绕着你,让你拥有一个暖烘烘甜蜜蜜的圣诞节!圣诞快乐! the joyful and warm Christmas has arrived again. I weave a soft and warm scarf with sincere blessings and continuous longing, tightly surrounding you, allowing you to have a warm and sweet Christmas! Merry Christmas!

20、愿你平安夜,平平安安,健康一生。 May you have a safe and healthy life on Christmas Eve.


22、钟声响了,是快乐在召唤;雪花飘了,是吉祥在着陆;铃铛响了,是驯鹿在奔跑;圣诞到了,是朋友在祝福。祝你圣诞快乐,幸福乐翻天! The bell rings, calling for joy; Snowflakes drift, it is auspicious to land; The bell rang, it was the reindeer running; Christmas has arrived, its friends wishing. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and immense happiness!

23、浪漫圣诞节,带上你的热情,带上我的祝福,让心与心共鸣,让情与情交融,让狂欢的心情荡漾在快乐的大海里,绽放在绚丽的烟花中。亲爱的,圣诞快乐! Romantic Christmas, bring your passion and my blessings, make hearts resonate, blend emotions, and let the joyful mood ripple in the sea of joy, blooming in the splendid fireworks. Dear, Merry Christmas!

24、送你一把圣诞锤,甜蜜浪漫都追随。 Send you a Christmas hammer, sweet and romantic follow.

25、吉祥的驯鹿在奔跑,平安的银铃在叮当;幸福的雪花在飞舞,快乐的雪橇在飞驰;慈祥的老人在微笑,圣诞的礼物在送达;开心的喜悦在蔓延,真挚的祝福在发送:圣诞快乐! The auspicious reindeer are running, and the peaceful silver bells are jingling; Happy snowflakes are dancing, happy sleds are galloping; The kind old man is smiling, and Christmas gifts are being delivered; Happy joy is spreading, and sincere wishes are being sent: Merry Christmas!



28、圣诞到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!心情天天好!圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, let happiness embrace you gently, let difficulties see you obediently, let troubles slip away secretly, let auspiciousness take special care of you, let happiness smile on you forever! Good mood every day! Merry Christmas!

29、提前祝你:平安夜吉祥,圣诞节快乐。 Wish you good luck on Christmas Eve and a happy Christmas.


31、你好,圣诞节快到了,我是圣诞老人,请把你家的房门钥匙,卧室门钥匙,最好还有保险箱钥匙都送给我,我好送你圣诞礼物:绝对让你惊喜,快乐地过圣诞! Hello, Christmas is coming soon. I am Santa Claus. Please give me your house door key, bedroom door key, and preferably the safe key, so that I can give you a Christmas gift: it will definitely surprise you and have a happy Christmas!

32、为你采撷雪花一片,用爱心温暖你的心田;为你点亮烛光点点,摇曳我的思念无限;为你挂满圣诞之树,把真心祝福藏在叶间;圣诞节,为你发送短信祝愿,愿开开心心过圣诞! Picking a snowflake for you, warming your heart with love; Lighten up the candlelight for you, swaying my infinite longing; Hang a Christmas tree full of blessings for you, hiding them among the leaves; Christmas, I send you SMS wishes and wish you a happy Christmas!


34、用祝福的言语编织成一顶圣诞帽,用温暖的问候裁剪出一双圣诞袜,用满满的希望打造成一颗圣诞树,用甜蜜和快乐营造出一个圣诞节。用最真挚的心情送你一句:圣诞节快乐! Weave a Christmas hat with blessings, cut a pair of Christmas socks with warm greetings, create a Christmas tree with full hope, and create a Christmas with sweetness and happiness. With the most sincere heart, I send you a message: Merry Christmas!


36、送你棵坠满礼物的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮那颗是我的真心,下面挂的是我的痴心,丝带里缠绕的是我的一颗不变心。圣诞快乐! Im giving you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The largest and brightest one on the top is my sincerity, while the one hanging below is my infatuation. The ribbon is wrapped around my unchanging heart. Merry Christmas!

37、圣诞树上挂满快乐,圣诞袜里装满惊喜,圣诞歌中唱出幸福,圣诞钟声传来如意。圣诞节里全家团聚,唱响幸福,享受生活,快乐时光,美好记忆! The Christmas tree is filled with joy, Christmas stockings are filled with surprises, Christmas songs sing of happiness, and the sound of Christmas bells brings good wishes. At Christmas, the whole family reunites, sings of happiness, enjoys life, happy times, and beautiful memories!


39、圣诞雪花为你而下,圣诞之树为你装扮,圣诞老人为你送礼,圣诞信息传递给你,圣诞快乐你属第一,圣诞来临幸福传递,转发越多越出奇迹,财运福运全部属于你! Christmas snowflakes are falling for you, the Christmas tree is decorating for you, Santa Claus is giving you gifts, Christmas messages are passed on to you, and you are the first to have a happy Christmas. With the arrival of Christmas, happiness is spreading, and the more you share, the more miraculous it becomes. All your financial and good luck belongs to you!

40、愿你体会我的思念,感受我的祝愿,圣诞快乐! May you feel my missing and my wish for a merry Christmas!



43、白雪飘,钟声敲,圣诞节又来到;鹿铃响,喜气洋,惬意幸福心情爽;圣歌唱,心花放,吉祥快乐从天降。愿您圣诞开心伴! White snow drifts, bells strike, Christmas arrives again; The deer bell rings, full of joy and happiness, with a pleasant and joyful mood; Holy singing, blooming heart flowers, auspiciousness and happiness descending from the sky. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

44、朋友是风,朋友是雨,有朋友可以呼风唤雨。朋友是天,朋友是地,有朋友可以顶天立地。财富不是永久的,朋友却是永久的财富!祝圣诞快乐! Friends are the wind, friends are the rain, and having friends can call for the wind and rain. Friends are the sky, friends are the earth, having friends can stand up to the sky and the earth. Wealth is not permanent, but friends are permanent wealth! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

45、圣诞节的快乐,用问候表达,圣诞节的开心,用情谊表达,圣诞节的祝福,用短信表达,圣诞节的幸福,用关心表达,圣诞节的浪漫,用惊喜表达,圣诞节的愿望,用我的诚意表达,愿你梦想成真,圣诞快乐。 The joy of Christmas, expressed through greetings, the joy of Christmas, expressed through friendship, Christmas blessings, expressed through text messages, Christmas happiness, expressed through care, Christmas romance, expressed through surprises, Christmas wishes, expressed with my sincerity, may your dreams come true, and Christmas is happy.


47、我送你一颗圣诞树,圣诞快乐挡不住;送你一把圣诞锤,甜蜜浪漫都追随;送你一双圣诞袜,财运到来发发发。 I will give you a Christmas tree, and the joy of Christmas cannot be stopped; Send you a Christmas hammer, sweet and romantic follow; Ill give you a pair of Christmas socks, and your financial luck will come.

48、寒冷的冬天有个浪漫的节日是圣诞,浪漫的圣诞里有个祝福的信息在传遍,传遍的信息里满满的是平安,平安的传递里是你的健康我的祝愿。祝圣诞快乐! In the cold winter, there is a romantic holiday called Christmas. In the romantic Christmas, there is a message of blessings spreading everywhere, filled with peace. In the transmission of peace, it is your health and my wishes. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

49、因为有了圣诞,雪花倍加浪漫;因为有了许愿,生活更加灿烂;因为有了挂念,幸福爬上笑脸;因为有了祝愿,寒冬倍感温暖;愿你体会我的思念,感受我的祝愿,圣诞快乐! With Christmas, snowflakes are even more romantic; Because with a wish, life becomes more brilliant; Because of concern, happiness climbs onto the smiling face; Because of blessings, the cold winter feels even warmer; May you experience my longing, feel my wishes, and have a Merry Christmas!

50、圣诞的光环印在白色的布上,渲染了一份心情。于是激起的涟漪里就满是一个圣洁的字,爱。圣诞快乐! The halo of Christmas is printed on a white cloth, rendering a mood. So the ripples stirred up were filled with a holy word, love. Merry Christmas!


52、快乐在雪中舞蹈,祝福在铃边招摇,吉祥在路上奔跑,甜蜜在树下停靠,如意与袜子打包,激情共灯火燃烧,一切的信息都在告诉你:圣诞很美好,一定要欢笑! Happiness dances in the snow, blessings sway by the bell, good luck runs on the road, sweetness stops under the tree, good luck is packed with socks, passion burns together, all the information tells you: Christmas is beautiful, must laugh!

53、我对着圣诞树默默许愿,希望看短信的你,每天晚上美梦甜甜,每天早上精神奕奕,每天工作顺顺利利,每天生活开开心心,圣诞快乐满满! I silently wish to the Christmas tree, hoping that you, who are reading text messages, have sweet dreams every night, be energetic every morning, work smoothly every day, live happily every day, and have a happy Christmas!

54、圣诞夜,把袜子翻过来,里朝外,要挂起来,整个世界都是你的礼物。 On Christmas Eve, turn over your socks, facing inside out, and hang them up. The whole world is your gift.



上一篇:中秋节祝福语 简短独特


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