



1、圣诞节到了,请放慢你的匆忙,让你的心情更美好,更平静;圣诞节快到了,请让忙碌的日子闲下来,让生活更悠闲;圣诞节快到了,请收集朋友的想法,让你的祝福更加贴心温暖;圣诞快乐! Christmas is here, please slow down your rush and make your mood better and calmer; Christmas is approaching, please let the busy days rest and make life more leisurely; Christmas is coming soon, please collect your friends thoughts to make your blessings more heartfelt and warm; Merry Christmas!

2、想你时候才感觉寂寞。今个圣诞节我会最最寂寞。一个人时不寂寞。Miss you when I feel lonely. This Christmas I most lonely. A person is not lonely.


4、圣诞节到了,宝贝你知道吗?圣诞老人很可爱的,他专门会给懂事的孩子派发礼物,今天你收到了吗?收到后请说声谢谢吧!圣诞老人听得到的。 Christmas is here, baby, do you know? Santa Claus is very cute. He specializes in giving gifts to sensible children. Did you receive them today? Please say thank you after receiving it! Santa Claus can hear it.


6、节日的号角吹响,浪漫的烛光登场。欢乐的舞步跳起,轻快的音乐奏响。幸福的火花点燃,圣诞的祝福送上。祝你圣诞快乐,永远幸福! The horn of the festival blows, and romantic candlelight appears. Joyful dance steps rise, and light music plays. Sparks of happiness ignite, and Christmas greetings are sent. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and eternal happiness!

7、May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do. 愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般。


9、你永远不会明白,我对你的爱;我的世界没有了你的存在,就像花儿失去了灌溉;我爱你爱的肝肠寸断,你却装作毫不相干,你从没有在乎过我对你的情感。圣诞节快乐! You will never understand my love for you; My world without your presence is like a flower without irrigation; I love you deeply, but you pretend to have nothing to do with it. You never cared about my feelings for you. Merry Christmas!



12、On Christmas Eve, please close your eyes and I will quietly give you a gift: a Christmas lamp to illuminate your bright future; Send you a small bell, shake it with joy by your side; Send another blessing, may you be happy and beautiful. 平安夜,送短信,所有祝愿都成真;平安夜,发短信,情意长久心连心;平安夜,写短信,吉星高照交好运;平安夜,看短信,财源滚滚万事顺;试一试,肯定准,愿你平安永开心;祝圣诞节快乐。

13、Hope all your Christmas dreams come true! 愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真!


15、提前祝你:平安夜吉祥,圣诞节快乐。 Wish you good luck on christmas eve and a happy christmas.


17、No matter how many greetings you have received, I still offer my sincere blessings to you. No matter how much happiness you have, I still silently pray for you: your dreams come true, your dreams come true, and I also wish you a happy Christmas! 无论您已收到多少问候,我依然为您献上我真诚的祝福,无论您拥有多少快乐,我依然为您默默祈祷:心想事成、美梦成真、同时也祝你圣诞快乐!

18、圣诞的钟声悠扬,恬静而温馨;圣洁的雪花飞扬,浪漫而欢快。裁一段钟声,拈一片雪花,折成暖暖的祝福,用最真诚的心包裹,于这美妙时刻送给你。 The sound of Christmas bells is melodious, peaceful and warm; Holy snowflakes fly, romantic and joyful. Cut a bell, pick a snowflake, fold it into warm blessings, wrap it with the most sincere heart, and give it to you at this wonderful moment.


20、Santa Claus brings good luck, hangs wealth and honor on the Christmas tree, sends blessings through Christmas messages, wishing you all the seasons bring wealth, five blessings at your doorstep, good luck on June 6th, seven stars shining high, treasures from all directions, nine days of celebration, and ten blessings buried on all sides. It is very joyful. 圣诞老人送吉祥,圣诞树上挂富贵,圣诞短信传祝福,祝愿你四季招财,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方进宝,九天同庆,十面埋福,十分欣喜。

21、钟声的敲响吉祥安康,雪花的飘飞起舞共狂,星光的闪烁幸福灿烂,祝福的短信好运送传。圣诞节到了,愿你全家平安幸福美满,健康快乐年年! The ringing of the bell brings good luck and health, the fluttering and dancing of snowflakes go wild together, the twinkling of stars brings happiness and brilliance, and a message of blessings is sent with good luck. Christmas has arrived, may your whole family be safe, happy, and happy every year!

22、以真诚为半径,以尊重为圆心,送你一个圆圆的祝福给你,愿爱你的人更爱你,你爱的人更懂你!圣诞快乐! The radius in good faith, with respect to central, to send you a round greeting to you, is willing to love you more love you of person, the person you love more understand you! Merry christmas!

23、祝你圣诞节开心快乐,浪漫甜蜜! I wish you a happy Christmas, romantic and sweet!





28、圣诞的光环印在白色的布上,渲染了一份心情。于是激起的涟漪里就满是一个圣洁的字——爱。圣诞快乐! The halo of Christmas is printed on a white cloth, rendering a mood. So the ripples stirred up were filled with a holy word - love. Merry Christmas!





33、钟声奏响了,久违的钟声,从十二月的树梢沉进叶脉,向冬天的根部深入,我的灵魂迎接这至爱的暖流,我的心,深深祝福你:亲爱的朋友圣诞节快乐! The bell rings, and the long lost bell sinks from the treetops of December into the veins of the leaves, deep into the roots of winter. My soul welcomes this beloved warm current, and my heart deeply wishes you a happy Christmas, dear friend!

34、我收到过最好的圣诞礼物,是穿越风雪为我而来的你。 Ive received the best christmas gift. You came for me through the snow.


36、深深地祝福你!愿我的祝福给你的圣诞平添一份喜悦! Deeply bless you! May my blessings add joy to your Christmas!



39、There are always things that cannot be forgotten, there are always people lingering around, meeting each other is so wonderful, life is so beautiful, work is important, and mood should also be adjusted. Sending a text message is all considered a harassment of happiness. Merry Christmas! 总有些事无法忘掉,总有些人在身边萦绕,相逢是那样奇妙,生活是这么美好,工作固然重要,心情也要调好,发一个短信,全当是幸福的骚扰。圣诞快乐!



42、Christmas Eve, Night of Peace, Tonight Winter Breeze, Ming Dynasty Spring Breeze, Outdoor Cold, Indoor Warmth, Blessing Sounds, Gift Flies. Tonight is Christmas Eve, wishing you all the best in the coming year and a happy day. Merry Christmas! 平安夜,夜夜平安,今夜冬风,明朝春风,室外寒气,室内暖意,祝福声起,礼物飞来。今夜是平安夜,祝君来年事事如意,天天美满。圣诞快乐!



45、圣诞节到雪飘飘,圣诞老人乐淘淘,心情开朗事事好,出门就有财神到,捡到袜子开礼包,大奖对你嘻嘻笑——“祝圣诞开心乐逍遥”! Christmas comes with snow drifting, Santa Claus is happy to play around and has a cheerful mood. Everything is good, and when you go out, the God of Wealth will come to you. You can pick up socks and open gift packages, and the big prize will smile at you - "Wishing you a happy Christmas!"!

46、每一片雪花,都寓意吉祥;每一盏灯火,都温馨浪漫;每一束烟花,都缤纷灿烂;每一声钟响,都清脆悦耳;每一份问候,都情谊满满;每一句祝福,都情真谊切。朋友,圣诞快乐! Every snowflake symbolizes auspiciousness; Every lamp is warm and romantic; Every bouquet of fireworks is colorful and brilliant; Every sound of a bell is clear and pleasant to the ear; Every greeting is full of friendship; Every blessing is sincere and friendly. Friend, Merry Christmas!

47、我挥一挥魔法棒,以圣诞老人的旨意赐福与你。听好了啊,祝福你圣诞节这一天,接受礼物多多,收到祝福多多,感到幸福多多,圣诞快乐! I wave my magic wand and bless you with the will of Santa Claus. Listen up! Wishing you all the best on Christmas day. Accept many gifts, receive many blessings, and feel a lot of happiness. Merry Christmas!

48、圣诞快乐! 开心过好每一天! Merry Christmas! Happy every day!



51、圣诞树上挂满快乐,圣诞袜里装满惊喜,圣诞歌中唱出幸福,圣诞钟声传来如意。圣诞节里全家团聚,唱响幸福,享受生活,快乐时光,美好记忆! The Christmas tree is filled with joy, Christmas stockings are filled with surprises, Christmas songs sing of happiness, and the sound of Christmas bells brings good wishes. At Christmas, the whole family reunites, sings of happiness, enjoys life, happy times, and beautiful memories!


53、节日的炉火通红,人皆美悦喜开怀。红红火火过圣诞,开门纳福是期盼。圣诞礼物一定要,吉祥如意人所望。平安体健众所愿,祝福亲朋来年富!愿圣诞喜乐! The festive fire is bright red, and everyone is beautiful, joyful, and cheerful. Celebrating Christmas with a red and bustling atmosphere, opening the door to receive blessings is a hopeful experience. Christmas gifts must be as auspicious as expected. May peace, health, and good wishes come to your family and friends in the coming year! May Christmas be joyful!

54、May the Christmas candle, open a touch your heart with gladness and make your New Year bright. 愿圣诞之夜的烛光,开启你心头一喜悦,使你的新年亮丽辉煌。

55、好久不见!经常会想起你,无数个圣诞节的祝福,那友谊,厚厚积累的愉快记忆,人间的亲情,天堂的温馨,终于带给了我们大家。祝你圣诞节快乐! Long time no see! I often think of you, countless Christmas blessings, friendship, thick and accumulated happy memories, family affection on earth, and the warmth of heaven finally bring us all. Wishing you a happy Christmas!




59、祝你有个温馨的圣诞节! Have a warm christmas!



62、 带上诚挚的祝福,给你最真的问候。无论奔驰的岁月如何变迁,无论奔波的你是否在身边,你永远都幸福,是我最大的心愿。平安夜到了,祝你平安!



65、 圣诞快乐,并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候,一定会让你收到我的祝福。

66、May the joy of christmas be with you throughout the year. 愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。

67、烟花的一瞬是快乐,流星的一瞬是祈愿,思念的一瞬是感动,而我只想让你在看到短信的一瞬间能够明白:我是真心的祝你一生幸福!圣诞节快乐! The moment of fireworks is a moment of happiness, the moment of shooting stars is a prayer, the moment of missing is a moment of emotion, and I just want you to understand at the moment you see the text message: I sincerely wish you a happy life! Merry Christmas!


69、洁白的雪花,五彩的圣诞树,绚丽的烟火一起映衬出多彩的圣诞节。我把我的祝福写成诗、绘成画来表达我的心意:圣诞快乐。 The pure white snowflakes, colorful Christmas trees, and splendid fireworks all complement the colorful Christmas. I write and draw my blessings into poetry and pictures to express my feelings: Merry Christmas.





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